Wednesday, January 24, 2007

LCD Screen protection: Pentax SLR Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review

LCD Screen protection: Pentax SLR Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review: "Another option...

One will easily last for 6-12 months - look up screenpatronus as the seller on their Ebay store - they do a lot of different cameras and they're pre-cut to your model's screen. I bought them only because I don't want to mess with cutting them.
You cannot tell it's on there unless you tilt the camera and look carefully.

I've already saved my DS screen from a nasty gouge, and they include the top LCD screen protector for the K100D too (I own both). ...atronusQQhtZ-1QQfrppZ100QQfsopZ1QQfsooZ1QQrdZ0?
K100D screen protectors: ...on=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search&fgtp=
Marc "

Screen Protector for the Pearl

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