Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Violation of Constitutional First Amendment Rights

This evening I was going to go south bound through the Fort McHenry
Tunnel in Baltimore, Maryland. I saw the setting sun and thought what
a great Sunset.

I exited on Keith Avenue and stopped on the Exit Ramp to capture a
quick photo. I thought this is really busy right here so let me go
and find a safe location. So I went and took the Clinton Street turn
off and drove along the water and stopped to take some pictures.

Thats when a private security guard stated that I had to delete the
pictures from my camera because this was a "Foreign Trade Zone." I told
her that the street is public property and that I have a right to
photograph from the Street and that she should call the Baltimore City
Police. I photographed her ID once she showed it so that there wont
be any questions. I also got the tag number of MD 958M676 of the private security vehicle.

This country is going to hell in a hand basket. Since when do we have
guards with no police powers harassing citizens. When did the Taliban take over America. This is an outrage.

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